Anomoepus Hitchcock, 1848
JUNIOR SYNONYM(S): Hopiichnus, Moyenisauropus
DESCRIPTION: Small tetradactyl pes tracks that are more often tridactyl, manus tracks sometimes are preserved. Digit IV’s metatarsal-phalangeal pad is almost directly in line, or is, with the axis of digit III. Digit I is relatively long. In the manus, digit III is the longest with the other digits decreasing in size going away from digit III. Tail marks can be seen in sitting traces.
BEHAVIOR(S): Repichnia
ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Continental; terrestrial
POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Primivite members of ornithischian dinosaurs including Fabrosaurs, Thyreophora and probably Marginocephalia and Ornithopoda.
ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Emended by Olsen and Rainforth, 2003
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