Teredolites (Leymerie, 1842)

DESCRIPTION: Clusters of elongate to short, clavate-shaped (club-like) to flask-shaped tubes in wood or woodgrounds (e.g., coal), evenly tapers from base of primary chamber to aperture; neck region is not separate from chamber, with circular to subcircular cross-section; vertical to oblique to the woodgrain. Can have thin calcareous linings (Kelly and Bromley, 1984).

BEHAVIOR(S): Dwelling (domichnia) and feeding (fodinichnia) of a suspension feeder.

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Woodgrounds (i.e. coal, peat, or wood), logs, and tree stumps submerged in marine waters.

POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: “Shipworms”, wood boring bivalves.

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Jurassic-recent

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Emended from Kelly and Bromley 1984, Bromley et al. 1984, Savrda 1991