Schaubcylindrichnus Frey and Howard, 1981
DESCRIPTION: Cylindrical, thickly lined, sometimes twofold-lined, arcuate tube; commonly oblique to the bedding plane but occasionally oriented subvertical to subhorizontal. Burrows may be isolated or in unattached groups or clusters with shared walls (modified from Miller, 1995; Nara, 2006).
BEHAVIOR(S): Dwelling (domichnia) or feeding (fodinichnia) burrow
ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Common in marine shoreface deposits, slightly seaward of high-energy environments.
POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Suspension feeders or tubicolous deposit feeders, such as maldanid polychaete worms.
GEOLOGIC RANGE: Cretaceous-recent.
ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Miller, 1995; Nara, 2006; Oligmueller and Hasiotis, 2024
REMARKS: Schaubcylindrichnus was previously referred to as
Terebellina, now an inappropriate ichnogeneric name. That name belongs to a polychaete worm.
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