Rhizocorallium Zenker, 1836

DESCRIPTION: Long, ~1-cm diameter, U-shaped tubes with sinuous, bifurcating or planispiral spreiten, usually parallel to oblique to bedding; tubes are several cm apart. May show lateral flags and scratch marks on the outer side of tubes and (excrement pills) may be incorporated.

BEHAVIOR(S): Dwelling (domichnia) of a suspension-feeder and/or burrow of a deposit feeder (fodinichnia).

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Found in shallow to deep marine settings.

POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Crustacean, annelid

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Cambrian-recent

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: (Uchman, 1998)(Mørk and Bromley, 2008)

REMARKS: Scratch marks indicate the medium (i.e. substrate) was a firmground; produced by crustaceans.