Ophiomorpha Lundgren, 1891

DESCRIPTION: Simple to complex burrow systems distinctly lined with agglutinated, pelletoidal sediment. Burrow systems form mazes or boxworks of interconnected vertical, inclined, or horizontal segments. Burrow lining is smooth interiorly, densely to sparsely mammilated or nodose exteriorly. Individual pellets or pelletal masses may be discoid, ovoid, mastoid, bilobate, or irregular in shape. Characteristics of the lining may vary within a single specimen (after Frey, Howard, & Pryor,1978; de Gibert & others, 2006).

BEHAVIOR(S): Trace is the dwelling burrows of decapod crustaceans, including numerous species of Thalassinidean shrimp. Tube margins are lined with fecal pellets.

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Marine littoral, sublittoral, and shelfal environments. Also in sandy deep marine turbidites and debris flow deposits. Prolific numbers in marine shoreface environments. Also found in brackish water, sandy substrates including estuaries and tidal shoals.

POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Crustaceans, shrimp, ghost shrimp.

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Permian-recent

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Uchman, 1995; Vaziri and Fürsich, 2007.