Arenicolites Salter, 1857
DESCRIPTION: Vertical to slightly oblique U-shaped burrows (can be J-shaped) without spreiten. Tubes are cylindrical, smooth walled.Burrow can have flared openings or funnel-shaped apertures. Depth-width ratios vary. Distance between openings vary.
BEHAVIOR(S): Suspension feeding, dwelling, sound resonance (Wilson, 1971)
ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Eolian (Ekdale et al., 2007), marine, freshwater lacustrine and fluvial (Eagar et al., 1985). Continental beds of Carboniferous (Chrisholm, 1968) or Triassic (Bromley and Asgaard, 1979) age. Reported in eolian settings in Jurassic Navajo Sandstone (Ekdale, et al,. 2007).
POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Polychaete worms, vertebrates, crustaceans, wasps, mayfly larvae, beetles.
GEOLOGIC RANGE: Cambrian-recent (marine), Carboniferous-recent (continental: Eagar, 1985)
ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: (Bromley and Asgaard, 1979)(Chrisholm, 1968)