Stegomastodonichnum Aramayo and Manera de Bianco, 1987


DESCRIPTION: Large, obligate, deeply-impressed, pentadactyl plantigrade tracks. The digits are large, with a rounded anterior, quite stout and are semi-circular. Digits II–IV are facing anteriorly at the terminus. Digital pads II–IV are nearly parallel and are equal in size. Digits I and V are reduced and indistinct comparatively.

BEHAVIOR(S): Repichnia

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Continental; terrestrial

POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Large Proboscidea (elephant) animals such as Stegomastodon or Mammut.

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Pliocene–Pleistocene

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Emended in Remeika, 2001.

REMARKS: Lucas et al. (2007) thinks Stegomastodonichnum should be merged with Proboscipeda as a junior synonym. But since they nor known papers have gone forth and merged these two together, Stegomastodonichnum shall remain as its own ichnogenera.

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