Proboscipeda Panin and Avran, 1962


DESCRIPTION: Large, ovoid tracks that, when well preserved, can have five toe impressions; the middle three toes are located anteriorly with the middle toe being the largest and there are two lateral toes that are smaller but equal in size. Pockmarked texture is common as well. Track is so deep that elevated ridges are present when the tracemaker steps onto the media.
[Translated from Hungarian]

BEHAVIOR(S): Repichnia

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Continental; terrestrial

POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Proboscidea animals such as Mastodonts or Deinotheriums.

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Miocene-recent

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Perez Llorente et al., 1999; Lucas and Schultz, 2007; Morgan and Williamson, 2007; McNeil et al., 2007

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