Alaripeda Sarjeant and Reynolds, 2001

JUNIOR SYNONYM: Anatipeda alfi

DESCRIPTION: Anisodactyl track though the hallux (digit I) can sometimes not be preserved. Digit III is pointing anteriorly but can sharply curve. Digit I is on the opposite side of digit III (plus or minus 20 degrees) and is less than half of the length of digit III. Digit III can be similar or up to 25% the side of digits II and IV. Digits II and IV are laterally directed and also curve at the tip. Webbing is absent and the metatarsal pad is not present.

BEHAVIOR(S): Repichnia.

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Water-margin environments.


GEOLOGIC RANGE: Upper Triassic or lower Jurassic–Miocene.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Valais and Melchor, 2008