Vitichnus Wetzel et al., 2009

DESCRIPTION: A straight V-shaped structure composed of biserially alternating short, semi-circular ridges, arranged in a plait-like pattern. The ridges of one series are almost perpendicular to the other series and touch them at their inner quarter, approximately 10–20 mm long and 0.3–0.6 mm wide. Their outer terminations form a straight limb of the V-structure. The trace fossil is preserved as a positive convex hyporelief in sandy turbidite beds (Bouma Tb or Tc division).

BEHAVIOR(S): Vitichnus may occur in groups, its arrangement of short, biserial alternating tubes in a V-shaped pattern having a sharp turn at an acute angle of about 65 degrees requires an alternative behavioral program than the formation of straight, biserially arranged, alternating short tubes of traces such as Saerichnites beskidensis.

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Deep marine, lower surface of turbidite beds

POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Deep marine organisms

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Upper Triassic-Eocene