Scalarituba Weller, 1899

DESCRIPTION: Horizontally or obliquely oriented, meandering burrow that is marked by transverse ridges or meniscate packages, sometimes surrounded by fecal pellets. Meniscate are filled with sediment that is composed of the same lithology as the host rock. Subcylindrical burrows curve in all directions at distances of 1-2 mm, never straight for more than a few centimeters, about 2-4 mm in diameter, with transverse ridges termed scalariform ridges at distances of 1-2 mm. The ridges are diagnostic of Scalarituba.

BEHAVIOR(S): Feeding burrow where the organism packed its burrow behind it as it moved through the sediment.

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Marginal marine, tidal lagoon.

POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Worm or worm-like organisms.

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Ordovician-recent.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: (Conkin and Conkin, 1968)