Neonereites (Seilacher, 1960)

DESCRIPTION: Irregularly curved single, double, or multiple rowed chains of deep, smooth walled depressions or single- or double-lined clay fecal pellets; sometimes bordered by irregular structures resulting from burrowing. Commonly expressed in hypichnal relief.

BEHAVIOR(S): Fecal pellet-filled grazing trail or burrow of a deposit feeder

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Found in both shallow and deep marine environments. Reported in lacustrine turbidites (Hu et al., 1998).

POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Worms, gastropods, arthopods.

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Precambrian-recent?

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Seilacher, 1960; Devera, 1989; Rindsberg, 1994; Uchman, 1995; Brasier and McIlroy, 1998; Hu et al., 1998.

REMARKS: Possible preservational variant with Nereites MacLeay in Murchison, 1839 and Scalarituba Weller, 1899 with Nereites and Scalarituba as senior synonyms (Devera, 1989; Ringsberg, 1994; Uchman, 1995).

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