Margaritichnus Bandel, 1973

DESCRIPTION: Subsurface horizontal burrow composed of vertically compressed ball-like structures 15 to 30 mm in diameter which may be connected by ridges of same width as diameter of the balls; ridges commonly have crescentic transverse grooves. Balls have recognizable internal structure and are generally preserved in a row like a string of pearls.

BEHAVIOR(S): Pasichnia and fodinichnia; the ball-like structures are believed to be fecal pellets packed in mucus; interpreted as domichnia by Davies (2006)


POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Large, wormlike detritivore such as sipunculids or priapulids or possibly hydrozoa

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Permian-Cretaceous

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Bandel (1967); Davies (2006)

REMARKS: Description from Bandel (1967). Originally named Cylindrichnus Bendel 1967, ichnogenus was renamed Margaritichnus in 1973.