Cochlichnus Hitchcock, 1858

DESCRIPTION: Small sinuous or meandering smooth horizontal trace. Trace resembles a sine curve.

BEHAVIOR(S): Repichnia (locomotion)

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Shallow to deep marine, aquatic continental. In continental aquatic settings, made when the water table is at or near the sediment-water-air interface.

POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Aquatic annelids, insect larvae, nematodes.

GEOLOGIC RANGE: Ediacaran-recent in marine, Carboniferous-recent in continental.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Hasiotis and Bown, 1992, Fillion and Pickerill, 1990, Crimes, 1992, Hogue 2016

REMARKS: Morphology may appear similar to small Cosmorhaphe, Helminthopsis, and Planolites.