Chondrites von Strenberg, 1833
DESCRIPTION: Regularly branching tunnel systems consisting of a small number of subvertical master shafts, connected to the ancient sediment-water interface, that branch at depth to form a dendritic system. Branches rarely interpenetrate or interconnect with each other. Fill can be active or passive (after Donovan et al., 2009; Baucon et al., 2020; Oligmueller & Hasiotis, 2024).
BEHAVIOR(S): Fodinichnia; burrows of a deposit feeding worm organism.
ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Fully marine; perhaps indicative of low oxygen zones.
POSSIBLE TRACEMAKERS: Sipunculid or marine worm organism similar to modern polychaetes.
GEOLOGIC RANGE: Cambrian - recent
ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Fürsich, 1974a; Crimes, 1987; Oligmueller & Hasiotis, 2024.