Asthenopodichnium Thenius, 1979

DESCRIPTION: Traces with hemiellipsoid (U-shaped pouchlike) structures aligned parallel to each other; structures are produced in wood, organic-rich sediment, bone, or hardground media (modified from Thenius, 1979; Uchman & others, 2001).

BEHAVIOR(S): Domichnia

ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Present in fluvial and lacustrine continental environments (Thenius, 1979; Uchman & others, 2007; Moran & others, 2010).


GEOLOGIC RANGE: Middle Jurassic to recent (Moran & others, 2010; Abu Hamad & Uhl, 2015; Francischini & others, 2016).

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: (Emended: Uchman et al., 2007)(Moran et al., 2010)

REMARKS: Uchman et al., 2007 suggested an emendment that included bone as a medium and spreiten structures.